Welcome to the

For over 50 years, the Squamish Flying Club has managed hangars, fuel, and a clubhouse for its members and visiting pilots at CYSE - Squamish Municipal Airport - Don Patrick Field.
Pilot Information
Flying into Squamish? Here’s the local area info including best practices, procedures, parking, and local attractions.
Interested in becoming a member? Find out more about the benefits, cost, and requirements for joining.
About the SFC
Learn more about the SFC and the 50-year history of aviation in the Squamish Valley.
Member Portal
Password-protected gateway to information and references for members, including rulebook, volunteer tracking and other information.
Discover Aviation Day
Join us for a fun filled community day for kids 8 - 18. SFC will be offering free flights as well as other activities to introduce kids to the joy of aviation.