Please read the CFS and follow the noise abatement procedures and circuit pattern. When winds calm, use runway 33.
Departing Runway 15, climb at best rate. Turn to heading 190.
Runway 15 Departure: Initial climb on rwy hdg, when safe turn to aprx 190° to avoid noise sensitive areas. Climb at best rate, follow river SE (see VTPC).
Locals Tip: Climb out until you see the school appear on your left. Then, if safe, turn right towards the river to heading 190, then keep the horse barns on your left as you follow the river south/east.
- Circuit training not authorized between 04-16Z (03-15Z DT) aka 9pm to 9am.
- Itinerant circuit training is PPR at all times (ie. out of town training flights)
The District of Squamish has 3 designated parking spots for visiting fixed wing aircraft, and 1 rotary, on the south side of the apron. These are marked with painted lines and “Itinerant Parking” labels. They are first-come, first-served and available for a maximum of 72 hours (flexible for weather delays). Tie-down fees apply. All other parking is reserved for Squamish Flying Club or Sea to Sky Air.
Please push completely off the asphalt to provide taxi lane clearance, and secure your aircraft. It’s often windy in Squamish, even if the sky is clear.
For more information, please see the District of Squamish website.
GARIBALDI & Tantalus PARK Restrictions
BC Parks has voluntary flight restrictions in place for provincial parks particularly Garibaldi and Tantalus Provincial Parks. This will ensure a better visitor experience by safeguarding wildlife habitat, strengthening conservation values, benefitting public park use and promoting high standards of aviation ethics. Find out more.
Garibaldi Provincial Park Geo Referenced Flight Map
Tantalus Provincial Park Geo Referenced Flight Map
The Squamish Flying Club offers self-serve 100LL fuel to members and public. The pump is on the main apron, and the payment kiosk is at the green clubhouse. Current prices can be found at 100LL.ca
Squamish is a favourite hotspot for outdoor activities, and there are some great restaurants, cafes and tourist attractions. We regularly see visiting pilots pulling mountain bikes and kiteboards out of their planes here! For recommended eateries and cafes within an easy 10 minutes by bike, check out:
Fergie’s (1.8km North / Google Map Directions)
Crabapple Cafe (2.4km South / Google Map Directions)
Bean Brackendale (3.2km South / Google Map Directions)
The Nest (3.2km South / Google Map Directions)
Watershed Grill (3.6km South / Google Map Directions)